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Insubmissa: 1x1

Natália in the Resistance

With Botequim, in the Lisbon neighborhood of Graça, as a starting point, we will remember the Portuguese writer, poet, and great figure of the capital’s literary salons. During a long period od the her life, especially in latter years, Botequim was the centre of the writer's life, with her being the greatest personality of the salon that gathered around her.

Seasons and episodes


With Botequim, in the Lisbon neighborhood of Graça, as a starting point, we will remember the Portuguese writer, poet, and great figure of the capital’s literary salons. During a long period od the her life, especially in latter years, Botequim was the centre of the writer's life, with her being the greatest personality of the salon that gathered around her.

Title Insubmissa
First Air Date Nov 24, 2021
Last Air Date Nov 25, 2021
Episodes 2
Seasons 1
Companies RTP
Keywords poetry, literature, culture, portuguese, natália correia
