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Mysterious Joker: 1x11

The Beast That Howl's of the Moon

Season 1 starts the series introducing the main casts: Joker, Queen, Spade, Hachi, Dark Eye, Roko and Silver Heart. Against them are the police feacturing Inspector Oniyama and his subordinates, Ginko Kurosaki and Momo Shirai and other recurring characters who challenge Joker such as Mr. Kaneari and his secretary, Kaneko. But the main antagonists, Shadow Joker and Professor Clover along with Lady Doubt tend to do more that get in Joker's way.

Seasons and episodes


The thief Mysterious Joker doesn't just steal things. An audacious and elusive miracle-maker, he travels the world searching for treasure with his partner and cook Hachi. As they circle the globe, they must avoid traps set by the police and compete in various competitions to reach their final goal, the Timeslip Treasure.

Title Mysterious Joker
First Air Date Oct 06, 2014
Last Air Date Dec 26, 2016
Episodes 52
Seasons 4
Keywords treasure, phantom thief